Sunday, January 18, 2015

Kilka ciekawostek o naszych brwiach.

                                             Kilka ciekawostek o naszych brwiach

                   1. Pomagają nam lepiej widzieć.
Głownym zadaniem naszych brwi jest ochrona oczu przed wilgocia, gdy sie pocimy lub w czasie deszczu.
Ksztalt łuku brwiowego zmienia kierunek potu , aby nasze oczy nie zostały przez niego podrażnione. Pot posiada dużą ilosć soli.
Łuk brwiowy umozliwia nam rownież poruszanie się w deszczu.

              2. Brwi posiadają dużą ilosć włosow.
Zgodnie z informacją podaną przez firmę Bosley- zajmujacą się przeszczepem wlosów - jedna brew posiada okolo 250 włosów.
W przypadku osób które nigdy nie regulowały łuku brwiowego posiadają ich dużo więcej bo aż okolo 1100.

             3.Brwi posiadają cykl życia.
Włosy z naszych brwi wypadają co 4 miesiące po to aby w ich miejsce wyrosły nowe.
Są one jedne z najdłużej odrastających włosów (rzesy 5-7 tyg)
Pomyslmy o tym, kiedy następnym razem przyjdzie nam pomysł dokładnego wyregulowania brwi.

            4. Brwi są krokiem w ewolucji.
Wiele ssaków posiada brwi , ale człowiek stanowi wyjatek i jego brwi znajdują się na nieowłosionej skórze czoła - co stawia nas wyżej w ewolucji.
Expresja wyrażana brwiami staje sie łatwiejsza do zauważenia i interpretacji.

            5. Brwi są naszym "głosem"
Reagują one na nasze emocje i ton głosu, unosząc się ku górze jeżeli podnosimy głos lub opadają do dołu gdy głos obniżamy.
Jest to proces niezależny od naszej woli. Brwi ukazują wyraz naszej twarzy nawet wtedy kiedy o tym nie mylimy i poruszamy je spontanicznie.
Natomiast "zamierzone " ruchy brwiami sa asymatryczne.

            6. Brwi jako cecha rozpoznawcza .
Z badań MIT(Instytutu Technologii w Massachusetts)wynika że brwi stanowią bardzo istotny element w czasie identyfikacji.
Badanym przedstawiono osoby im dobrze znane, którym usunięto brwi i co sie okazało, że mieli problemy ze zidentyfikowaniem ich. Prawdopodobnie brwi są bardziej znaczące niż same oczy!

           7. Brwi jako tręd mody.
Moda na ksztat, kolor i grubosć zmieniała się wielokrotnie na przestrzeni wieków.
Ostatnio utlenianie i rozjasnianie brwi to bardzo radykalne zmiany w wygladzie twarzy, który lansują gwiazdy o awangardowym wizerunku jak Lady Gaga czy Katy Perry).
 To nic nowego. Twarz bez brwi- to kwitnący tręd w Okresie Renesansu, gdzie kobiety goliły brwi.
Obecnie moda dotkneła i meżczyz, a te bujne ,"krzaczaste" i połączone ze sobą brwi są oznaką zaniedbania.

          8.Twoje brwi mówią więcej o tobie niż ty myslisz!
Brwi bez wątpienia można nazwać zwierciadłem duszy.
Mac Fuller w swojej książce "Amazing Face Reading" przedstawia rodzaje brwi i opisuje cechy charakteru tych osób.
*zaokrąglone brwi - cechują ludzi pogodnych, towarzyskich
i z poczuciem humoru.
*proste brwi - cechują osobników o technicznym myleniu,
koncentrujacych sie na celu i faktach.
*"załamane"brwi najczęsciej należą do osób, które szybko podejmują decyzje i dążą do osiągnięcia celu i kontroli nad innymi niezależnie od sytuacji i chwili.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

                            E x f o l i a t i o  n 

 -as the leaves start changing theirs  colors it is a perfect time for us for renewal....
This is not a new concept: in fact, the ancient Egyptians use abrasive tapes made with alabaster, honey and sour goat milk to exfoliate, and then abraded the skin with finely grounded sand to keep it silky smooth.
Exfoliation has come a long way since those days, but the key is skin rejuvenation - whether it will be manual exfoliation, mechanical exfoliation, chemical exfoliation, laser, light therapy.

Mechanical exfoliation -MICRODERMABRASION - “power peel“.


W H A T  is  M i c r o d e r m a b r a s i o n  originally this service was performed by dermatologists it is now the most popular method used by estheticians.   
The process involve a   microdermabrasion machine - sound painful but in reality it is not. There are a several methods of microdermabrasion .
The original technology was developed  in Italy and gained wide popularity  in Europe in mid 1980s and in 1990s makes its way to the United States. The original devices  uses a tiny little crystals of aluminum oxides that act as an exfoliate for the skin. The use of sodium bicarbonate crystals is becoming the material of choice for crystals microdermabrasion due to its organic nature and smooth texture .
In about 1999   another development came  a diamond-tip or particle - free microdermabrasion machine. The diamond-tiped wand provides similar results to the crystals method.
The microdermabrasion machine acts like a vacuum which passes across you face, raising section of the skin for the crystals to work across. 
In microdermabrasion tiny crystals are sprayed onto the skin to gently remove outer layer of the epidermis ( stratum continuum ) of your skin and remove any dead skin cells. It is very effective form of skin rejuvination for those  with a thicker epidermis, hyperkeratotic buildup,  and noninflamed forms of acne ( acne grade I and II).
 The process is pain free and  works on all skin types and colors. It is not expansive to do and can help to reenergizing the skin and remove age spots and hyperpigmantation (patches of darkened skin), reduce fine line and wrinkles, reduce or eliminate a large pores and black heads. Reduce mild acne scars.  So is becoming widely popular.


The treatment last from 15-45 minutes depend on amount of passes. Usually with NO recovery time.  When I say recovery time it is because you may have some redness in the face from the vacuum and crystal buffing.   You will need to apply a seaweed mask  to cool the skin down (depend on the skin sensitivity) The irritation usually subsides in 24 hour’s and for next few days  you will need to apply a moisturizer to the face, neck, and decollete to help with dryness.
Microdermabrasion should never be used on inflamed condition of skin, included rosacea or acne vulgaris ( acne III and IV ).
If you want to remove all dead skin cells from your face, neck, decollete, hands, arms, back and give it a real "clean", or open the “gate” for serums and moisturizers than I recommend this treatment. 
Your skin will fill silky smooth for weeks to come. To have a great improvement in the tone and texture we recommend 6 to 10 session in a several weeks a part
Mikodermabrasion is not be confused with dermabrasion witch is for more skin conditions like removing scaring from acne, removing fine vellus hair , known as "peach fuzz". Dermobrasion is a more intrusive procedure which must be performed by a dermatologist.      


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Your Skin and PH levels

The Acid Mantle

The acid mantle is a sebaceous gland /oil/ and sweat glands /sweat/ production, which forms Natural Barrier to keep our skin at the correct pH.

The acid mantle act as a barrier to environmental pathogens and irritants as well preventing water loss from the inside. The pH range of our skin is 4.5-5.
Beauty products are formulated to be in the similar range like our skin so as of mild acidity pH 4.6-5, to help skin to look good and feel its best. The anti-aging products have formulation in lower pH range around 3-3.5. The lower pH of these products causes dead skin to be removed better and thus making your skin look younger with less wrinkles.
Maintaining this thin layer of acid mantle helps the skin remain healthier and free of  blemishes.

The pH Scale

Most of my clients associate a higher percentage  with its strength and its ability to clear skin. They forget the pH is what matters. My client stated: she is using 30% glycolic acid  every 10 days not knowing what is the pH. The pH is a measure for acidity and Alkalinity of the solution. The pH number represents the relationship between the Acid and Alkalinity /Basic/. As the chart above illustrates the higher the acidity the lower the pH, inversely the higher the alkalinity the higher the pH. When the two (acidity and alkalinity) are combined the solution can become neutral. Clearly a facial product that is neutral will be of no help to your skin. This is why the pH is important!
Doctors are able to perform medical peels that have  50%- 70% and resulting in pH levels as low as 1.7pH. Such a procedure results in a deep peel and would take the skin to recover and is not for everyone. In a spa a peel solution should be around a pH 3.0 and a percentage of 20-30%.

Acids and your skin
Different acids target different problems in the skin. Thus knowing the acid make up of products is critical to helping you solve your skin problems. Glycolic acid is the most popular because of its smaller molecular size and ability to penetrate deeper in epidermal layer. Very often formulations include a combination of two different acids. Salicylic acid is often use alone or combine with glycolic to treat acne. For hyperpigmentation (brown spots from sun damage) include kojic acid and Vit C or retinoic acid. A common favorite of anti-aging products is a combination of glycolic + lactic acid.

Age and your skin
As you get older your skin cells take longer to recover. This results that your skin can become dull, dry and having wrinkles. "The skin cell turn over rate for a client age 16-20 is, on average, 14 days. For every year a person ages beyond 20, it increases by one day per year. At age 30, it takes an average of 24 days for cells to turn over and reveal younger, healthier skin. At age 40 it takes 34 days and, at 50, well over a month at 44 days." (Linker, Elaine. How pH affects the formulation of a product, pg. 70. Skin Inc. October 2012) Acid treatments help clean the skin and make your skin look healthier and younger.
Talk to your esthetician about the right treatment for your skin.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

PALM OIL – Skin Care Uses

Palm oil is a type of oil and edible vegetable derived from the fruits of palm trees. Palm oil is extracted from the pulp of the palm fruit; while palm kernel oil is derived from the seed
palm. Palm oil is naturally reddish in color because it contains a high amount of beta-carotene.

In late March and April of 2011, I had the chance to visit the country of Ghana, and tour a palm oil plantation. During this visit, I was able to see how palm fruit was harvested, how the oil was made and to discuss the use of this oil locally and abroad.

In the United States, we use or eat palm oil frequently, even though we may not realize it. It is found in many common food and cosmetics products. Palm oil, palm kernel oil and coconut oil are three of the few highly saturated vegetable fats. Palm oil is semi-solid at room temperatures.
When trying to determine if palm oil in in your beauty product or food, look for ingredients such as palmalite and palmalite acid, or the derivative of palm oil, which is called stearic acid.

Health Benefits
- Palm oil is the largest natural source of tocotrienol, part of the vitamin E family. Palm oil is also high in vitamin K, carotenoids and dietary magnesium
- Red palm oil is known to be healthier than refined (discolored) palm oil
- Palm oil can be applied to wounds, just like iodine tincture, to aid the healing process
- Palm oil can be applied onto skin to aid in preventing stretch marks
- It’s beneficial in aiding dry skin, and helping heal dry cracked  heels
- It’s used as massage oil for the body
- Locally in Ghana, it is commonly applied to a baby’s umbilical cord to aid in the healing process
- In Ghana, it is also used as a remedy for each ache, by applying a small amount onto a feather and placing the feather into the ear.

Gertie (our guide in Ghana) demonstrating how oil is applied onto a feather and used to aid each ache. 

Dry Cracked Heels – Palm Oil Remedy
Palm oil can be used as an easy DIY remedy for dry, cracked heels.
It is not enough to pamper your hair and face, your feet also deserve your attention, and need to be soft, clean, and well taken care of. Giving a little attention to your feet at least once a week can make all the difference. During the summer months our feet need to look their best, as we showcase them while wearing fun sandals, flip flops and other revealing shoes.
In order to bring your heels and dry foot skin to proper “showcase” condition, follow this easy at home remedy:

2 cups of palm oil
Juice from 1/2 lemon

Warm the palm oil in microwave until warm (1 minute or longer, depending on your microwave settings). Mix in lemon juice.
You can also add a couple spoons of sea salt if desired, for additional exfoliating benefits.
Rub oil into feet for a few minutes, or for as long as it’s convenient (while watching your favorite TV show or news program).
Wash off oil with water and mild soap.

An additional benefit to this DIY foot treatment is that it will also benefit the skin on your hands and your cuticles.

Benefits of Everyday Use
During our visit to the palm oil plantation and processing area, I noticed how soft and wrinkle free the skin of the workers was. Their hands were very soft, delicate and smoother than those of men half their age. This was even though the men spent most of their days in the open sun and did not use any sunscreen, hats or protective clothing.

Although it’s not a scientific determination, I would definitely predict that the every-day encounter with palm oil had a lot to do with this!

Thank you for reading!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hello, welcome to my blog!


My name is Zosia, and I will be blogging about skin care that you can get from your kitchen products!
Look forward to new and great skin care suggestions!